Val, I am greatly impressed with the competence, professionalism, and commitment you provide to me and our organization.  As a corporate coach, you have the uncanny ability to build consensus by melding diverse perspectives.  With your assistance, we leave major decisions confident and aligned.  You help us navigate conflict with respect and understanding.  Employees often are surprised at the ease by which you enable challenges to surface, be discussed and ultimately addressed.  We have greatly benefited from your intuitive understanding of people.

Having you onboard gives us a competitive edge.  As I focus on ways to bring competitive advance to our organization, I count you among one of our most valued partners in this quest.  I look forward to our continued partnership.

Thank you for being more than we expected.

M. Elmers, CEO
Energy One Consulting, 


Career and life decisions are intertwined in a manner that can be difficult to untangle.  I was in the midst of what seemed like an impossible yet common set of options: The decision to adhere to the safety of a well-paying corporate career or venture out to pursue an unchartered path to use my God given talents in a manner that maximized my potential. Val’s unique gift was on full display in our many conversations. Her ability to help unhook my thinking from the façade of safety that clouded my judgement by helping me understand my own gifts was what I needed to take the next step. She will always be an ally for me at the intersection of life and work.

A. Phillips, Founder,
Rich Sea, 


Val, there are people you meet throughout the course of your life that impact you and truly influence you to be a better person. People that care about you and watch over you to a level you never could understand. People that no matter what, believe in you and can get the best out of you. People that add blessings to your life. You are that person for so many others but most importantly (in my mind) for me. Your advice and ability to help me get better as an employee and a person will impact me for the rest of my life.  Thank you for everything you have done for me and everything you will continue to do for me and I hope that one day I can have half the influence on someone that you have had on me!

P. Sugar, Industrial Engineering Director


I have known Val for over 11 years and she has supported me through 6 different jobs in 5 different cities all the while offering encouragement and direction along the way.  On my path up the corporate ladder Val has been an invaluable resource to keep me grounded in my values and ensuring I don’t compromise my authentic self along the way.  She doesn’t just offer professional coaching, she offers comprehensive life coaching.  I can honestly say that Val’s mentorship and guidance have been keys to helping me navigate my life inside and out of the corporate office. 

C. Andersen, Global Reliability Manager


Val was an invaluable resource in pivoting my career path.  I recall the day when I called Val in tears about my job. Her gentle nature coupled with her “realness” and her ability to ask timely questions, not only helped me through the emotional turmoil I experienced over my career, but helped me to uncover my values and to see a path forward.

The coaching that Val shared helped me to see my options, build confidence in pursuing them, plan strategic conversations with my organization’s leadership, and create a career transition plan. I later transitioned to a full-time MBA program in pursuit of the career change that I desired. Val cheered me on every step of the way!

I am much happier with my current career choice and I owe so much of this to Val Mack’s coaching. I would not have arrived here without her!

L. Watkins, Brand Manager


I met Val over 7 years ago during my internship.   Our relationship developed and she became someone I looked up to and aspired to become like over time.  I learned how she had carefully selected projects to coach various skills I still benefit from to date.  We kept in touch after my summer there, and she has turned into a mentor I continue to look up to.  Over the years I have reached out to her when I needed honest advice – about the business world, about being a leader, about being a working woman, about striking a balance – as well as to share the big and small joys in my life.  She always makes time for me and shares her thoughts and opinions to bring out the best of every situation.  She’s made a very positive impact on my life, and I know anyone that interacts with her will feel the same way.

V. Patel, Supply Chain Manager

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